Homework and revision

Studying and exams are an important part of education, but it can feel hard knowing how to keep up. We’ve got lots of tips below to help you cope and plan your time.

Getting started with revision and homework

Homework and revision can feel overwhelming sometimes. It can feel hard to know where to start or feel worrying if you think you’re falling behind.

Even doing a small amount of revision or work can help you feel motivated to do more. Sometimes it can help to just pick something you enjoy or find easier and start there.

Remember that exams and work are only a small part of your life, there’ll be a time in the future when your exams have finished, and you won’t need to revise anymore. Whatever’s happening, you can always talk to us.

5 ways to get support:
  • let a teacher know how you feel, so they can try to help you
  • tell your parents or carers, or ask another adult for help
  • speak to a doctor or school nurse for their advice on coping with stress
  • get support from other young people on our message boards
  • talk to a Childline counsellor.

Revision tips

It’s good to start revision early, but it’s never too late to work towards an exam or assessment.

Try these tips to help you stay motivated and organised:

Coping with homework

Homework can feel like a lot sometimes, especially if you’ve got other activities or responsibilities. Keeping yourself organised and knowing when to ask for help can be really important to keeping up.

Here are a few tips to help you get your work done:

  • Take away distractions
    Put your phone somewhere else and make sure the TV is off so that you’re not tempted to do something else when you’re working.
  • Do a bit at a time
    Take regular breaks to help you focus, for example you could work for 30 minutes and then take 10 minutes to do something else. Make sure you take time to eat healthily and exercise.
  • Say when you don’t understand
    Everyone needs help sometimes, and speaking to your teacher, family, or someone you trust can help. It’s okay to look up support and information online if you’re struggling.
  • Prioritise your work
    Break down your homework into smaller tasks to make things less daunting, then focus on what you need to do first.
  • Build a routine
    Try to set time aside every day for homework. If you’re not used to doing it, setting a reminder on your phone and keeping yourself focused can help to make it easier in the long-term.

Dealing with stress

Exams and homework can feel scary and stressful, but you’re not alone. Taking care of yourself is always important.

Whatever’s happening, there are a few things you can try every day to help:

  • make time to relax
  • express yourself
  • exercise and eat healthily
  • talk about how you’re feeling
  • get enough sleep.

Getting help

It’s always okay to ask for help, but it can feel hard sometimes if you’re worried about being seen as weak or stupid. Everybody needs help sometimes, and we’re here for you.

There are lots of ways to get help when you need it:

  • make time with your teacher or someone you trust
  • share how you’re feeling with a friend or someone you care about
  • speak to other young people anonymously on the message boards
  • talk to one of our counsellors.

Asking questions can help make things easier in the future and show you that you’re not the only one feeling this way.