Updates to Childline

During April and May, we’re doing some important work to improve Childline’s systems. This means there will be times when some or all of Childline’s services won’t be available.

You can find out what’s happening and when below. Remember, if you’re in danger or you need support straight away you can always phone 999 for help.

When will Childline be unavailable?

Childline is going to be closing for work on the following dates:

Tuesday 30 May

From 10pm until 7:30am the next day:

  • the Childline website will be unavailable
  • you won’t be able to call Childline or use SignVideo
  • 1-2-1 chats, emails and the message boards will be unavailable
  • you won’t be able to log into your Childline account

We might need to make more updates to Childline in the future, but we'll keep you up to date on any changes that are coming up.

What to do if you need support

If you’re in danger or it’s an emergency, you should always call 999. It can also help to think about ways you could ask an adult for help or plan ways to help you get to sleep if you’re worried.