Coping with schools closing

Lots of schools in the UK are closed at the moment to make sure the buildings are safe. If this has happened to your school, then Childline’s here to support you.

What’s happening?

Some schools are having to make changes to make sure their buildings are safe to use. Every school is different, but it can mean that some students are starting school a little later, having to relocate where they’re learning or will be using remote learning for a little while.

If your school is affected, then you should get instructions on what’s happening and how the school will support you.

It can be hard having to change where or how you’re learning, especially if you’ve been looking forward to going back to school. If you’re struggling or worried, we’re here to support you.

Ways to cope

If your school is temporariliy closed, this may feel hard to cope with. You may be missing your friends or find remote learning difficult. Maybe being at home more can also be challenging. You may also be worried about the safety of your school.

Each school will have their own plan about how they’re going to support their students. Whatever’s happening, there are things that can make it easier and you can always talk to a trusted adult or Childline for support.