Ask Sam letter


To Sam

Childline in school

Can i call childline when i am in school? Because i feel like if i did i might just be told to go to a teacher instead.

Ask Sam


Hi there,

You can call Childline at any time and from any place. And we will never tell you to talk to someone else instead of us. Our counsellors might sometimes suggest getting help from adults around you, like teachers, but only if you want to. It's always free to call Childline and some schools will let you use their phones to call us.

You can call us on 0800 1111 and it's free whether it's from a mobile, landline or even a payphone. We are open all day and night, so while you're at school there is someone for you to talk to if you need it.

Most schools will know about Childline and some of them will let students call if they need to. It might be that they ask you to do it at a particular time of day, such as lunchtime, or it may be that they give you permission to use your own phone. No matter where you call from we will keep what you say between you and us, so long as it's within our confidentiality promise.

When you contact Childline our counsellors are here to listen to you.

I hope that answers your question so that you feel confident enough to try calling us sometime. Remember that if you don't feel able to talk on the phone, there are other ways to talk to Childline.

Take care,


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You can talk privately to a counsellor online or call 0800 1111 for free.

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