Ask Sam letter


To Sam

Do childline talk about anything

Hi sam, I was hoping you could tell me wether childline talk about anything with you. like lonelyness and dissabilitys even if they are a minor worry. I am hoping to use the 1-2-1 chat at some point but i need to know a few things first. Like the question above and how long the chats last. Also i know this will sound silly but how do i end a chat? thank you i hope you can answer my questions.

Ask Sam


Hi there,

There's nothing too big or too small to talk to Childline about. Everyone is affected by things differently. So what might be a small problem for one person, can be big for someone else. We treat everyone the same and if something is important to you, then it's important to Childline too.

Sometimes young people tell us that they think their problem is not "big" enough - or that others have it worse than them, so they shouldn't talk to us. Childline counsellors will never compare you to other people and tell you that your problem is not worth talking about. If something is on your mind, it's better out than in.

Chats can last different lengths of time - sometimes you might say everything you want to in five or ten minutes. Other times you might need longer to say what's going on. Most of the time people find that a few shorter chats can be more helpful than one long one as you have time to think between each one.

You can end a chat any way you likeĀ - either by saying you'd like to finish, or just leaving if you want to. Our counsellors will never judge you for the way you end a conversation with us. Our counsellors understand that sometimes you can't say goodbye and have to leave quickly. If you do need help knowing what to say, tell this to the counsellor and they will help you.

I hope that makes it a little easier to talk to Childline online. Thank you for getting in touch. Take care.


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