Ask Sam letter


To Sam


Hello sam, i am a 16 year old girl who has been in and out of care from the age of 13 due to verbal and physical abuse. I recently came out of care due to lack of evidence supporting my case although i had pictures of bruises and blood, so they sent me back home and i am still being abused by my mum and older brother. im fed up of social services and asking them for help because they keep dumping me back home anyways. i was wondering if i could apply for housing from the council and if they could accommodate me or if there is anything else i could do to leave home without having my family members arrested? Thanks for your support

Ask Sam


Hi there,

I'm really glad you decided to write this letter to me - every child and young person has the right to feel safe at home without abuse. Sometimes when you aren’t safe at home, social services will get involved to make sure you are. But no matter what they decide, your wishes must be considered and it sounds like you don't feel like your voice is being heard.

Most young people have the right to leave home when they're 16. You can sometimes get financial support but this depends on your circumstances. Shelter can help you find out what’s available.

Social services only want to take children and young people into care when they have to. This means if they can help you stay safe with your family then they will. But if you're back home and it’s still not safe, it’s important to keep talking to social services. And it's always ok to ring 999 and ask for help.

Remember that you don’t have to cope alone. Any young person who's recently left care or been taken into care has the right to an advocate.

An advocate is a professional who's there to make sure you’re being listened to and can talk to you about your rights. Organisations like Coram Voice can provide you with an advocate and help you have your voice heard.

Don't forget Childline is here to support you no matter what's happening. Childline counsellors can talk to you about ways to stay safe and what your rights are.

Take care,


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