Ask Sam letter


To Sam

Teachers and Depression


I very recently told my teachers about my depression that has been happening for 5 months.The ones who I have talked to have been very supportive and understanding. However they keep asking how they can help and to talk to them if I need to . I really appreciate them trying to help but I dont know how to answer them or what to tell them. I dont know what they can do. What should I say?

I also have been thinking about going to see the school counseler at school . My tutor said he emailed them but I am not sure as I never heard anything back.

I want to get better. I want help


Ask Sam


Hi there,

It can be hard asking an adult for help, knowing what to say and how to say it. Sometimes it’s good to say what’s on your mind as talking it through with someone can make you feel like you don’t have to deal with it on your own. It can also help to write things down in a letter and give it to the person you're going to talk to. This means you can work out what you want to say and explain what help you'd like. If you're unsure what help the teacher can offer you, perhaps you could ask them how they can help you and see what they come up with and whether you think that would be useful to you.

It’s important to realise that when you talk to someone, you have control over what you say and you don’t have to say anything that you feel uncomfortable with. It’s also okay to check out what kinds of things the teacher you're speaking to may have to pass on and what they can keep to themselves.

Speaking to your doctor, nurse or counsellor is another way of getting support and I can hear that you have thought about getting counselling at school but haven’t heard anything back from your tutor.  You can ask your tutor if they've heard anything about the counselling and if not perhaps they can chase it up for you.

You might also find it helpful to read more about depression and feeling sad, asking an adult for help and about visiting your doctor too.

You can always contact a counsellor at Childline, who'd listen and support you and could help you to work out what to say to your teachers if you thought this could help.

Take care for now.


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