Ask Sam letter


To Sam

I can't even enjoy life anymore I used to be full,of it but now I'm a pit of depression

Dear Sam

i am a ten your old being bullied by someone who is smaller than me.Iam being bullied from one end of the day to the other it never stops, I can't ven enjoy homework anymore. I have tried everything ignoring her avoiding her but nothing is working. I cry in my bed every night it is like there is a cloud above my life and it won't go away.

Please tell me what to do your my only hope

Ask Sam


Hi there,

Thanks for your letter.

Bullying is always wrong and it’s understandable that this is having a really negative and emotional impact on your life. Many children and young people experience bullying. It can happen to boys and girls, no matter what their age or physical size may be.

When you are getting bullied it can feel like there is no getting away from it. It can feel like it’s happening all the time, changing the way you feel each day and affecting the enjoyment you get from the things you’ve always liked doing.

There can also be times where you feel like you have tried everything to get the bullying to stop but it still carries on. When bullying carries on even though you are ignoring it or avoiding it, you can end up feeling like you're not getting anywhere on your own. This is the time to be looking at other options.

These options could be to share with your family how difficult each day is for you. This way somebody that you trust can be there for you at the end of the day to offer comfort and support. It can really help to know that you have that reassurance, like a safety net just for you.

You could also start to keep a bullying journal. In the journal you can record what happens when you are bullied, who is bullying you and when it is happening. Most importantly you can note the impact that it is having on you. A bullying journal can help you organise your thoughts and understand what is happening more clearly, so that you can feel more confident to tell a trusted adult.

You could also use the bullying journal as a way of helping you tell a teacher what is happening. Teachers should want to know about bullying so that they can do their best to make it stop. To do this they will use the guidelines from the school’s anti-bullying policy. This is a way of helping you to be safe and feel happy at school.

Bullying can produce many emotional responses from a person. Some people cry a lot. Many people find themselves feeling low and depressed. You might feel like you have less confidence and self-esteem. Bullying can make you feel like you're being followed by a shadow. It can really affect the way you feel about day-to-day life. This is why it's so important to get the right help and support so the bullying can be stopped for good. 

If you still need support and somebody to listen to you, remember there is always a ChildLine counsellor who can do just that.

Take care,

Need help straight away?

You can talk privately to a counsellor online or call 0800 1111 for free.

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