Ask Sam letter


To Sam

Upset,Confused and Depressed need help!!!

Im 15 years old im living with Autism and im finding life a pitty at the moment, ive got loads of things wrong with me at the moment ive got problems with my vision and ive got difficulties breathing as I have 3 lungs.

More to the point im at school having a pretty shit time as im getting bullied and ive given myself 3 options

A Comit Suicide
B Hurt myself or the Bully
C leave School and go elsewhere

please reply soon and what you think on what I should do


Ask Sam


Hi M*,

I’m really pleased you’ve chosen to write to me as I can hear that you’re having a difficult time.

I’m really concerned to hear that you’ve had to put up with bullying at school, especially when you’ve got enough to deal with already your Autism and your health issues. I’m also concerned that this bullying has got so bad that you are considering suicide or hurting yourself as an option.

At ChildLine we don’t believe that young people should have to put up with bullying. We believe that you should have someone at school you can talk to about this who should take this bullying seriously and support you. Is there a member of staff at school that you feel you could talk to about what’s happening to you?

How about your parents, it might help to tell them what’s happening if you feel like you would be able to. If you can talk to them then they might be able to talk to school on your behalf.
ChildLine would really like to support you anytime you need with what you’re going through right now. We’d especially like to ask you to contact us if you’re thoughts of committing suicide get any stronger, we’d really like to help you to deal with and overcome these. Thinking about taking your life may seem like the only way out at times but there are always other things that can be done so you don’t have to be alone with this. 

You’ve done really well by sending me this letter and talking about it and our counsellors would really like to support you.  You can ring and speak to one of our counsellors anytime, 24 hours a day. It’s a free call 0800 1111 and calls won’t show up on your phone bill. We also have our on-line 1-2-1 chat were you talk with a counsellor or you can send an email.

You could also look at the bullying section in Explore and it might help to have a look at Bully Busters website which has some more useful information about bullying that might help you.

Take care,


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