Ask Sam letter


To Sam

High school

I am moving to high school in September and I'm scared that I will be split up from my friends what shall I do?
Ask Sam


Hi there,

Thank you for writing in to me.

Lots of young people have lots of different emotions around moving to a new school and what will happen once you get there.

The possibility of been split up from your friends can be scary. Even if you did go to the same secondary school as some of your current friends, often you may be in a different form group than your friends. You may also only be with this one group for registration times. Subject lessons tend to be mixed with your year group so there could be lessons that you and your friends are together in and some lessons where you may be apart.

Part of growing up is about learning how to meet new people, and high school is a great opportunity to make new friends and build your friendship groups. It might be worth having a look at our page about friendships. This has more information about making friends which could help you feel more confident when meeting new people who could potentially become friends.

This doesn’t mean you can’t keep in touch with friends who don’t go to the same school as you. You may even find that spending time only outside of school makes your friendship different in a good way.

I am not sure if anyone knows about how you are feeling about moving to high school but you could think about talking to a trusted adult like someone at home.  They would have experienced the move from junior school to high school and might be able to offer you some advice and support. You could also talk to your friends as they could be feeling similar to you and you could support each other between now and when you move to high school.

If you wanted to talk this through some more you can come through and talk with one of our counsellors who would be happy to support you. You can call us for free on 0800 1111, log on for a 1-2-1 chat or send an email.

Take care,

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