Ask Sam letter


To Sam

I want to go to the doctor about a medical problem but it’s too embarrassing to ask my dad

I have a problem with my vagina and i dont know where to turn, i need to get it sorted as it keeps on distracting me and effecting my self esteem. my vagina has a very unplesent odor to it and i know i need help. its been going on for a couple of years and my discharge is not normal either. i need to sort this out on my own but since i‘m 15 i cannot make my own doctors appointment and if i could i dont want to go behind my dads back but i feel like i may have to.

Ask Sam


Hi there,

You can make an appointment with your GP even if you are under 16 years old. They will keep it confidential and you can make medical decisions for yourself, as long as the doctor is sure you understand. There might be times when a doctor can't keep things confidential, like if you’re being abused or are refusing treatment that could save your life.

Your problem doesn't sound life-threatening, so it's very likely that your GP will be able to keep things confidential. If you want to make an appointment you just need to contact your local surgery and find out how to book one. They will tell you how they work and what they can do to help you feel confident about it.

Some medical problems might feel embarrassing to talk about with other people. There are things we naturally want to keep private and this can be from parents too. It is good to remember though that the problem you're having is nothing to be embarrassed about - everyone has medical conditions and they can usually be helped with treatment.

There are some very common problems you might have with your vagina. A common yeast infection like thrush, for example, is simple to treat and that’s something many women will experience at one point or another. Whatever your problem is, ignoring it might not make it go away and it may even make things worse. I would recommend either making an appointment yourself or building up the courage to talk to your dad about it.

I hope this has helped but if you want to talk more about this or visiting your doctor, our counsellors are there to listen.

Take care.


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