Ask Sam letter


To Sam


hey sam
this is really hard to say but i am always really low and down its like noo one is listening to me, its like i am invisable and nobody even cares about me. i am always feeling low because off what hapened to me when i was younger i was adopted to a new family and its really been hard to settle in with this new family, but its just keeping my down on how my other family is doing.
Ask Sam



Thank you for your letter and well done for deciding to write to me. You’ve told me that it feels as though no one is listening to you at the moment, which is making you feel like no one cares. It sounds like this has been a really tough time for you and like you’ve been feeling on your own and unsupported.

There have been some big changes for you, with you becoming part of a new family. It sounds like you’re finding it hard to get used to these changes. It also seems as though you might have some questions about your other family.

You have done so brilliantly explaining yourself in this letter. You might want to consider writing a letter to an adult that you trust explaining what’s been going on and how it’s been making you feel. Talking to your social worker or support worker (if you have one) might help you with the answers to some of your questions. You might also want to consider talking to a teacher, a friend or your school nurse. I wonder if there is anyone in your new family that you might feel able to talk to about how you are feeling?

Sometimes having memories from when you were little can feel hard to deal with on your own. Getting support and talking about difficult thoughts, feelings and situations can help people to cope better with things over time. TALKAdoption are a free helpline for children and young people who want to talk about adoption. They also have support groups in Wales and London. ChildLine counsellors are there to listen to and support you too. You can talk to a ChildLine counsellor by logging in for a 1-2-1 chat (it works a bit like an instant messenger) or by calling us on 0800 1111 (this is a free number even from a mobile and it won’t show up on your bill). You might also be able to get support from other young people on the message boards.

Hope this helps,


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