Ask Sam letter


To Sam


Hi Sam! Since the beginning of September, I've been slacking on my running and I've been feeling low about it. My energy levels have decreased and I can't find motivation to lace up or move in general. I can feel myself gaining weight and I hate it since I'd just found myself enjoying my body... Any suggestions what I should do?   
Ask Sam


Hi there,

Finding it hard to get motivated can be really difficult to cope with. You might find yourself feeling guilty which can make it feel even more difficult. It can be helpful to think about how you could start to break that cycle in a way that will work for you.

You could set some achievable and regular targets towards what you want to achieve. This could help you to start challenging the lack of motivation in yourself. And you might like to think about rewarding yourself in small ways as an encouragement to keep going.

Lacking motivation can sometimes be a symptom of depression. If you feel like you might have other symptoms of depression or another condition, seeing your doctor  to talk through how you have been feeling could be a good idea.

Exercising can be useful when you’ve been feeling low, because it stimulates natural 'feel good chemicals' to move around your body. It also keeps you staying healthy.

If you’re not feeling good about your weight, it might be important to think about whether you do really need to change your weight or are your feelings affecting that view. Talking to people you trust around you can be a good way of helping you to figure that out as well as getting some support with your feelings.

Our counsellors are always here to listen and support you if you’d like to talk to someone you trust confidentially. Or you can see what other people think by posting on our message boards.

Take care,

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