Ask Sam letter


To Sam


How do i start writing to someone because i cant
Ask Sam


Hi there,

Thanks for your message. It sounds like you’d like to write to someone to tell them something but you’re finding this difficult. I’m really pleased you contacted me to ask for some help.

I’m not sure what is making you feel like you can’t do this, or if there is something physical stopping you. Writing things down can seem difficult sometimes, especially when what you’re sharing feels personal or private to you.

Maybe to start with you could think about the reason you want to write to that person and what you’re hoping will happen. That might help you decide what is important to say. You might want to write some notes before you start or a list of things that you definitely want to mention or explain.

If you don’t feel able to write things down, maybe you could think about what other ways you could get things across. Sometimes people find it easier talking face to face, or you may want to send an email or a text message to let that person know there’s something you want to say. That could be a good way of getting things started without having to explain everything at once.

If you’re still feeling unsure, maybe this is something you’d like to talk through with someone in your life you trust first, to help you decide what feels best. Or you may prefer to talk it through with one of the ChildLine counsellors by calling 0800 1111, having a 1-2-1 chat or sending an e-mail. That way you could tell them a little more about the situation and they could help you work things through.

Remember, ChildLine is always here for you.

Take care,

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