Ask Sam letter


To Sam

My Mum

I cry all the time because my mum shouts at me when i make a mistake, even if its a small one like i forgot my money and asked her to bring it to me and she swore at me, i sometimes wish my life was over, my dad on the other hand always works, but sometimes at night he hears her shouting, i like christmas and its my favourtie time of year, but she said that im not getting anything and its cancled, i went shopping yesterday and got all my presents to im 12 years old and i hate my life.
Ask Sam


Hi there,

Thanks so much for writing to me about this. I can hear the way Mum is treating you makes you feel really sad. What you’re describing sounds like emotional abuse and it’s not ok that Mum is behaving like this. Nobody has the right to treat you in that way. There’s more information about emotional abuse in the Explore section.

I’m also really concerned that you sometimes wish your life was over. When you’re feeling this way, it’s important to get support for yourself. You’ve done really well to contact me and I’m wondering how you’d feeling about speaking to a ChildLine counsellor about what you’re going through. The counsellors can help you to explore your feelings and also support you in thinking of ideas about things that might help.

You explained that you really like Christmas and it sounds as though it is normally a special time of year for you. How do you think it’d feel to talk to your family about what the plans are for Christmas? I noticed that you said that your Dad is always working but sometimes he hears what’s happening. Perhaps you could think about writing a note to Dad or an adult who you trust about what’s going on and how it’s making you feel. You could also think about talking to a teacher about life at home once the Christmas Holidays have finished. Teachers have a responsibility for all the children they work with, and part of their job is to help make sure you’re safe and happy.

ChildLine is open every day of the year, so remember that if you need to talk to someone on Christmas Day (as well as any other day) you’re welcome to get in touch through the 1-2-1 chat and somebody will be there to listen.

Thanks again for taking the time to tell me about what’s happening at home.

Take care,


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