Ask Sam letter


To Sam

Sleep over

Hey Sam,

I have a brother who is much older then me and at univeristy he has invited me to go an stay with him for a night wen I have half term from school. I really want to see him but am scared about getting home sick as it will be my first ever sleep over!! What can I do to not get home sick and miss mummy?


little sister.

Ask Sam



The first time you stay away from home can be really exciting — but it can also be scary too. It’s normal to feel a bit nervous, but it can help if you talk to people you trust about it and think of things that are going to make it a good time for you. It’s important to know that you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to. You can always do it when you feel more ready for it — it’s up to you.

Some people do feel homesick when they are away (especially for the first time), and that’s normal. Some people take something which can make them feel better if they feel sad, like a photo or a teddy that reminds them of home. Have a think about what you could take. 

You might want to ask your mum to write you a letter with advice or nice things to help you. It could help to ask your mum to talk to your brother so he knows how you’re feeling. If you go with a school they sometimes suggest that you don’t ring home in case it makes you feel worse.  

Going to stay with family or friends in university can be a lot of fun and it could be that you go and you love being away. It can feel like an adventure. If you don’t want to stay the night now, though, it’s okay to say that and maybe you could go and see your brother for the day with your mum.

If you would like to talk about this more, you can talk to a ChildLine counsellor anytime. Hope this helps for now.

Take care,

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