Ask Sam letter


To Sam

the end

i am 12 recently i have found out about a possible nuclear war and am SOOOOOOOOOOO scared that the world will end because of one selfish b****** and i still wont be able to do things i wanted to please help me
really scared
Ask Sam



Thanks for your letter. It sounds like recent events in the news have been really playing on your mind. Sometimes the news channels can make situations sound very bad, but it’s important to remember that people are working very hard to try and make sure a war won’t happen! While the news does tell us about what’s going on in the world, it does tend to highlight the stories that get the most attention and these can often sound very scary. What the news often doesn’t show are all the good things that are happening in the world too. There are lots of people working on resolving this problem and that’s not always the kind of story that’s very exciting to put on the news, so we don’t hear about it.

On the other hand, situations like this can make us appreciate the good things we have to live for and remind us how important it is to enjoy each day, love the people around us and be happy with who we are. Have you tried talking to anyone about this? Your parents or carer might be able to sit down with you and explain the situation to you a bit more. Or you could think about talking to a teacher and finding out more about politics and how people around the world do to try and solve these kinds of situations and have solved these situations in the past.

I hope this helps a little bit, but if you do want to talk again, please do get in touch with Childline on 0800 1111 or log in for a 1-2-1 chat.

Take care,


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